Saturday, May 4, 2019

Information Forum on “Outstanding Structures”

The Philippine Group of IABSE, in support to IABSE’s 90th Founding Anniversary, conducted an Information Forum on “Outstanding Structures: Learning lessons from IABSE OStrA awardees & finalists for the most remarkable, innovative, creative & stimulating structures." The forum featured IABSE’s OSTRA awardees and finalists with highlights on the innovations and significance of each bridge and building structure.
              The Department of Civil Engineering of De La Salle University supported the event. Organizing this event are IABSE-PH members from DLSU, Dr. Andy Oreta (IABSE-PH Chair), Dr. Jonathan Dungca (IABSE-PH Secretary), Cheryl Roxas and Erica Uy. The resource persons were IABSE members, Juanito Cunanan, Adam Abinales, Rey C.D. Singh, Wennie Oclarino and Asisclo Villafuerte. BBR Philippines and Abinales Associates Engineers & Consultants sponsored the event.

              About 40 participants including the organizers from the academe, consulting firms and government institutions attended the forum. The forum also was an opportunity to promote IABSE – benefits for members, IABSE publications and conferences in 2019 and 2020. It is hoped that through this event, the participants will register as members of IABSE and attend IABSE conferences and symposia.

Watch the slide show of the event here: